Saturday, April 17, 2010

Why am I blogging on Value Investing?

I am not a big investor and don't have the skills of some of the value investors already posting their ideas on many of the blogs (Actually I am in IT). But I have lot of interest in learning value investing and am investing in stock market from last 5-6 years with decent success. The process of learning gives me more pleasure than actually making money.

The idea of this blog is not to teach anybody value investing (I don't think I have the qualifications to do it. There are many other books/resources to do that) but to log my experiences of learning value investing and applying them to the actual situations in the Indian markets. This I think will help me in streamlining (also to know what I was thinking at a particular point in time) my thought process and also may help some other aveage investors improve their value investing skills along with me.